About the Project

Jesus said to them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore, pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” | Luke 10:2

The project

The Detroit Project is a church planting initiative in Detroit, MI, within the PCA (Presbyterian Church in America), committed to gospel renewal.

Very simply, in launching The Detroit Project, we envision the planting of many churches throughout Detroit/Metro Detroit, where the pure gospel is uncompromised and maintained in all of life. But this will require the calling of many gifted evangelists—those who are able to engage the culture, reach the lost and harvest the elect. 

Meet the Director

Rev. Dan Millward | Redeemer Presbyterian

Dan Millward was born and raised in the Detroit area. He’s been very happily married to Laura since 1976. They have 3 lovely children and 15 amazing grandchildren. With Laura as his partner from 1978-1992, they built one of the largest retail floor covering companies in the Midwest. Upon selling his company in 1992, Dan landed in the fishing business (a life-long dream) for two years, before God called him to full-time vocational ministry, which he has done since 1994. He has successfully planted two churches:  Redeemer PCA Traverse City Michigan (2004-2014) and Redeemer PCA Midtown Detroit (2014-2020).

A heart for the city


Now, with having passed the senior pastorate mantle to Rev. Jonathan Saunders, Dan has taken up the call as Executive Pastor/Church-Planting Director, with 3/4 of his time allocated to directing The Detroit Project Church Planting Initiative. In this role, Dan will recruit, train, coach, support, encourage, and oversee gifted men and their families, to plant desperately needed, gospel-centered churches throughout SE Michigan. 

Meet the Founder

Rev. Ryan McVicar

In 2012 Rev. Ryan McVicar developed a vision for the planting of churches throughout the Detroit/Metro Detroit region called “The Detroit Project.” The purpose of the project was to be a catalyst for a church planting movement throughout the Detroit region, since within a region of 4.3 million people there existed only 2 PCA churches.

Ryan’s vision was to establish worshipping communities in every neighborhood of this region. “We envision a renewal that is rooted in the truth of God’s Word and motivated by the gospel that moves people into a life of love for God and their neighbors.”